Mirai ALM & Liquidity Solution

Manage IRRBB & Liquidity

Risk to optimize your

risk-return profile

Gain an accurate view of the profitability, earnings

stability and overall risk exposure of your balance

sheet and ensure adequate liquidity.

Gain a firm grasp of interest rate and liquidity risks

Why choose the Mirai ALM &

Liquidity Solution?

Managing the risks arising from mismatches between assets and liabilities is crucial for the health and profitability of financial institutions. This task is becoming increasingly challenging due to uncertainties about future market developments, stricter regulations, fluctuating market rates, and evolving customer behaviors. For Tier 1 banks, meeting these challenges requires a powerful, flexible and transparent ALM solution that enables rapid transition from data to insight and from insight to action.

At Mirai, we have developed the fastest and most intuitive cash flow forecasting and simulation engine on the market, powering our ALM & Liquidity solution. With a user-friendly interface, advanced scenario creation, market-leading modeling granularity, and real-time data integration, banks can swiftly assess and respond to risks, enhancing proactive balance sheet management.


Mirai ALM & Liquidity

Solution Highlights

highlights 1
Unified IRRBB,CSRBB, liquidity risk & financial planning

Monitor, manage and report all aspects of IRRBB and liquidity risk, in one single solution for comprehensive oversight.

highlights 2
Lightning-fast & comprehensive modeling & simulation

Harness our flexible stress testing framework, featuring what-if analysis, to promptly develop a wide range of scenarios to assess potential risks and impacts.

highlights 3
Superior data granularity for advanced reporting

Leverage a solution integrates analytical capabilities featuring contract-level data granularity, facilitating the creation of highly customized reports with ease.

Deep dive into our advanced functionality

Mirai ALM & Liquidity Solution Capabilities

Powered by our cloud-native platform, our ALM & Liquidity solution introduces transformative use cases.

Access a robust implementation of interest rate and liquidity risk management tailored to organizational needs and covering all regulatory requirements. Leverage predefined reports with key ALM metrics, ensuring proper governance and decision-making.

  • Net Interest Income (NII) and Economic Value of Equity (EVE) sensitivities
  • Gap risk (Interest & Liquidity): Liquidity and repricing cash flow gap analysis on user-defined time buckets
  • Yields, durations, and convexities
  • Cash flow optimization
  • Key liquidity management metrics adaptable to the bank's requirements (survival horizon, liquidity buffer, concentration, and more)
  • Rigorous documentation of all processes

Ready to unlock your

balance sheet’s full potential?

Reach out to our expert team to schedule a personalized

demo and see a live solution walkthrough.